Certificates of Currency are documents used to provide some proof that insurance cover is being maintained by a person or organisation in a particular area. These are often used where a facility is being hired, and the organisation hiring out a facility wants to limit their risk exposure by ensuring adequate insurance cover has been arranged by the hirer.
If your church needs to provide proof of cover, this would often relate to the Public Liability policy. Please note that the name of the policy listed on the Certificate of Currency is 'General & Products Liability'. This is the name of the policy covering the public liability of the Synod and affiliated entities.
The current Public Liability Certificate of Currency for the Synod, its churches, and associated bodies included in the Diocese's insurance coverage, is attached for use by the churches and parishes which form part of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide and its other insured entities.
If you require a Certificate of Currency for a different policy, please request this from support@adelaideanglicans.com
The Public Liability Certificate of Currency for the period 31 October 2023 to 31 October 2024 is available below.