All parishes in the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide are registered charities.

It is a requirement of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) legislation that people who are involved in making strategic decisions about how a registered charity conducts its operations must provide their details to the ACNC. Responsible persons include the parish priest, church wardens, treasurers and all members of the parish council. The ACNC list of responsible persons must be kept up to date. Please note that  Diocesan Office is unable to update responsible persons information with the ACNC on the parish's behalf due to the way ACNC has set up this register. 

Most parishes are small charities and have 60 days to notify ACNC of any changes to their responsible persons. If your parish/entity’s annual revenue is over $250,000, then it is a medium or large charity, and must notify ACNC of changes to responsible persons within 28 days.

You must tell ACNC each and every time a responsible person takes on or finishes a role they have as a responsible person. This includes any change in their role.

To notify ACNC of changes to the responsible persons in your parish, Log in to the Charity Portal. You will need your parish's username (which is its ABN) and password. ACNC allocated a password to every charity by letter in 2013. Here is an ACNC video showing how to log in to the ACNC portal. If the parish password has been lost, it can be reset as described in the resetting passwords link. Alternatively you can telephone the ACNC helpdesk on 13 ACNC (13 22 62).

The ACNC has published a helpful screencast on how to change responsible persons.

If you are adding a new responsible person you will be asked a series of questions. Some of these are mandatory, while others are optional. Mandatory fields include:

  • Name
  • Residential address
  • Position held
  • The date they became a responsible person
  • Whether you have checked to make sure that this person is not listed on the ASIC Register of Banned or Disqualified Persons.

As at the date of writing, it is not compulsory to answer the other questions.

Note that on the ACNC Register ONLY the person's name and the position they hold in the parish/charity are made available to the public.