The objectives of the office of Archdeacon are to advise and assist the Archbishop in the pastoral and administrative oversight of the diocese, and to ensure the diocesan vision is implemented through the development of sound ministry strategies.
Responsibilities of Regional Archdeacons
To visit the parishes and institutions of the Archdeaconry offering care and advice to the clergy and the lay people who have been appointed to positions of leadership and responsibility and to take special responsibility to work with parishes in difficulties, or undergoing times of transition and change. To meet once a year with the Rector and Church Wardens for feedback on the parish's aims, objectives and challenges for the year.
To inspect the registers, the fabrics of churches, rectories, schools and other special buildings and property, and to report thereon to the Archbishop and to ensure that the communities of faith of the Archdeaconry are exercising due and proper stewardship of the resources and fabric entrusted to their care.
To examine and report to the Archbishop upon all plans for the building, restoration or alteration of churches and other buildings which are the property of the Church.
To liaise with the Archbishop, Senior Staff and Diocesan Council and bring issues from the Archdeaconry to notice within the diocesan leadership.
To inform the Archbishop of any case or need for the exercise of the Archbishop's Episcopal ministry or authority and to maintain regular pastoral contact with all clergy in the Archdeaconry.
To represent the Archbishop and the Diocese on special occasions in any community of faith and to execute any particular commission entrusted to the Archdeacon by the Archbishop.
To examine, in conjunction with such examining chaplains as the Archbishop may appoint, all candidates for Holy Orders, and to present such candidates to the Archbishop at the time of Ordination.
To share with the Archbishop a collegial responsibility for diocesan strategies to fulfil a corporate vision for Christ and his kingdom.
To assist in the process of consultation within a community of faith following the conclusion of one incumbency and the commencement of another. In addition to helping said community to clarify future directions it is the Archdeacon's responsibility to see that the aims and objectives reached are in accord with the vision for the Diocese.
To attend the Archbishop's Nomination Committee meetings during the selection of a new incumbent and to attend the interviews with candidates for the position. To take part, in consultation with the Area Dean, in the Induction Service for the person chosen.
The Archdeacon will liaise with the Area Dean to ensure that the rectory and grounds are in good condition (to diocesan standards) before a new Rector and family move in. If the family has specific requests or special needs, the Archdeacon could conduct negotiations on behalf of the incoming clergy. If, during an incumbency, the Rector and the parish experience difficulty resolving an issue concerning the condition of the rectory or grounds, the Archdeacon could facilitate a resolution.
To mediate, on behalf of the Archbishop, in any disputation within a community of faith and to report to the Archbishop proposed future strategies for empowering all involved in ministry together.
To inform Clergy and communities of faith of Diocesan strategies and policies and to convene meetings where required between diocesan and community of faith members for this purpose. To convene Pre Synod meetings.
To be the first contact in the event of sickness/absence from duty of clergy or stipendiary lay workers and to assist in the organisation of replacements where necessary.
Responsibilities of Portfolio Archdeacons
To develop and support leadership, vision and relationship in the area of their portfolio across the Diocese.
To support the parishes and institutions of the Diocese in the area of their portfolio, offering care and advice to the clergy and lay leadership, empowering them for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
To develop and support particular ministry projects as may be agreed in consultation with the Archbishop and the relevant communities involved.
To liaise with the Archbishop, Senior Staff and Diocesan Council and bring issues from the archdeaconry portfolio to notice within the diocesan leadership.
To inform the Archbishop of any case or need for the exercise of the Archbishop's Episcopal ministry or authority and to maintain regular pastoral contact with all leaders involved in their portfolio area.
To represent the Archbishop and the Diocese on special occasions in any community of faith and to execute any particular commission entrusted to the Archdeacon by the Archbishop.
To examine, in conjunction with such examining chaplains as the Archbishop may appoint, all candidates for Holy Orders, and to present such candidates to the Archbishop at the time of Ordination.
To share with the Archbishop a collegial responsibility for diocesan strategies to fulfil a corporate vision for Christ and his kingdom.
To assist the Regional Archdeacon in the process of consultation within a community of faith following the conclusion of one incumbency and the commencement of another. In addition to helping said community to clarify future directions it is the Archdeacon's responsibility to see that the aims and objectives reached are in accord with the vision for the Diocese.
To mediate, on behalf of the Archbishop, in any disputation within a community of faith and to report to the Archbishop proposed future strategies for empowering all involved in ministry together.
To inform Clergy and communities of faith of Diocesan strategies and policies and to convene meetings where required between diocesan and community of faith members for this purpose. To convene Pre Synod meetings.
Duration of Archdeacon's Office
In the case of all appointments to the office of Archdeacon:
The Archdeacon shall hold office for a period of five years from the date of the appointment unless (s)he shall desire to resign the office within that period. At the expiration of that period the term of office shall cease and determine but the Archdeacon shall be eligible for re-appointment by the Archbishop.
At the expiration of one year from the appointment of any future Archbishop of Adelaide the Archdeacon or Archdeacons then holding office in the diocese shall be deemed to have resigned and the Archbishop shall make choice of the Archbishop's own Archdeacon or Archdeacons, the retiring Archdeacon or Archdeacons being eligible for re-appointment by the Archbishop.