As part of the Insurance Program of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, the Synod maintains a Management & Directors Liability Insurance Policy, also known as Directors & Officers liability insurance (for a general description, see this article). This policy provides cover for office holders and employees in the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide who are responsible for making decisions. This includes people in such roles as:

  • Members of Parish Council
  • Parish Officers, such as Wardens and Treasurers
  • Trustees, such as in parishes not using the Model Trust Deed
  • Members of Diocesan Council
  • Members of other Diocesan boards and committees
  • Managers of Parish Property & Financial Affairs appointed by Diocesan Council
  • Synod employees

This policy provides assurance for members of our Diocesan Community who make decisions on behalf of us all, that the Synod will support them in the event of an incident. An example of such an event would be an alleged breach of employment law E.g. unfair dismissal.

! If you become aware that a claim may need to be made under this policy, please urgently notify Diocesan Office.