These materials were produced to provide to Ordinands and clergy entering the Diocese of Adelaide, as they undertake to make an Oath and Declaration to be bound by them. More information about that process may be found here. They have also become a useful resources for Parishes and Congregations when exploring the Anglican ecclesiology in Adelaide and Australia. They are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International copyright license.
Fundamental Declarations of the Anglican Church of Australia
The Constitution of the Anglican Church of Australia includes three opening clauses referred to as the 'Fundamental Declarations', which clergy are required to uphold, and which cannot be altered. The first clause refers to the Nicene and Apostles Creeds, the second the canonical scriptures, and the third the sacraments and orders of ministry. This foldable leaflet includes the Oath made by clergy at their Ordination, the Nicene & Apostles Creeds, the Fundamental Declarations of the Anglican Church of Australia (Part 1, Chapter 1 of the Constitution), and the Articles of Religion. Designed to be printed at A3.
The Articles of Religion (39 Articles)
The Articles of Religion more commonly known as the 39 Articles, as published in the Book of Common Prayer, An Australian Prayer Book, and A Prayer Book for Australia. Formatted as a poster, it is best printed at sizes from A0 to A2 on heavy stock.
Constitutions of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, and Anglican Church of Australia
The Constitution of the Diocese of Adelaide requires various roles and positions to be bound by one or both of these documents:
- Bishop of the See of Adelaide (Section 5, The First Schedule)
- Chancellor (Section 11, The Second Schedule)
- Clergy (Section 12, The Third Schedule)
- Lay Members of Synod (Section 13(2), The Fifth Schedule)
Both of these documents are designed to be printed as an A5 booklet (A4 landscape, single fold, stapled) by a suitably equiped printer.